Garda Lake

Peschiera del Garda

Peschiera del Garda

Una cittadina ricca di storia, da vivere tutto l’Anno! Ammetto che non sia opera semplice sintetizzare Peschiera del Garda in poche righe per la quantità di esperienze che si possono vivere! Peschiera è storia, architettura, tradizioni, turismo, paesaggio, spiagge, enogastronomia, cultura, sport, salotto per lo shopping. E’ un centro nevralgico del Lago di Garda ed importante snodo ferroviario ed autostradale ed, inoltre, uno dei principali Porti del Lago di Garda, punto di partenza della navigazione… Read more »

The Villages of Lake Garda

The Villages of Lake Garda

The villages that overlook the shores of Lake Garda, enchanting for their beauty, each with historical-architectural characteristics, present an urban layout of ancient origin which very often recalls the classic medieval villages. Starting our journey from the Venetian shore of the lake, we find Peschiera del Garda in the southern part, at the point where the lake waters flow into the Mincio river. The historic center of the country, bordered by canals, is unique for… Read more »



Feeling on vacation without going far! About a year ago, in one of my innumerable travel searches on the web, I came across this curious term for the first time: STAYCATION. A term that first appeared way back in 2008 and also called HomeCation. Like all the news I find, curiosity begins to ignite small question marks. What does Staycation mean? A new term born from the union of the two English words STAY and… Read more »

Lake Garda

Lake Garda

Lake Garda is the largest Italian lake by extension. Its surface occupies almost 400 square kilometers, joining three Regions: Veneto, Lombardy and a small part of Trentino Alto Adige. The landscape features of the lake and the microclimate that characterizes it have allowed the development of a luxuriant vegetation that refers to the Mediterranean flora. Olive trees, lemons, oleanders, palms adorn the shores of the lake. The variety of landscapes marries in perfect harmony with… Read more »